Sample Case Study Of George In College

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My subject is dissociative fugue. The guys name is George T and he is 35 years old. He is an auto mechanic and on his way to work he found himself on many occasions in a motion picture theater after having left home to report for work. George would “come to” in a bewildered fashion and would go to a bar for a few drinks, but eventually he would go home. When he was a child, he had a pattern of wandering away from home. He came from a very unhappy family; his parents were divorced, and George was left at home with housekeepers. George’s father was very harsh with him on several occasions, and many times gave him such severe whippings that the neighbors called the police. His mother was a highly emotional person and tried to discipline George by screaming at him and threatening to place him in a boarding home. In his very young age, he twice found himself going off to school and eventually, “coming to” in a park about two miles from home. In school, George got along well with the teachers and other students. George was a poor student and failed both the second and seventh grade. He quit school at the age of 16. …show more content…

Dissociative fugue is considered to be more common than previously thought and some estimate it to affect 1% of the population. Dissociation is present in all races but is more common in American children. More males who have been abused may experience pathological dissociation, and George was one of them. Dissociative identity disorder is typically caused by trauma occurring at less than nine years of age. Sadly, George was abused at that young age and was by both parents. Early age of abuse onset predicts a greater degree of dissociation. Another statistic about DID is that dissociative disorders were seen in 17.2% of a large inpatient group seeking treatment for substance abuse. George has a substance abuse because of how much he drinks and how frequently he

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