Salon Hazards

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Hazards in a grooming salon:
The bathing area is a potential hazard, because water will get on the floor and if you have a tile floor in a salon it becomes a slip hazard. This can resort in your self or other employees to slip and injure them selfs. To help prevent this should always check the floor is try and buy an anti slip Matt or even so much as a big towel on the floor and can reduce you from slipping and injuring your self.
Scissors are a hazard especially grooming ones, this is because they are really sharp and it is very easy for a dog to move or even make you jump and you sometimes you can stab or cut your self with them, and even hurt the dog. To help prevent this make sure the dog is calm and secure on the table to reduce injuries to you and …show more content…

You should never have more than one dog out of a cage on the floor unattended. If two dogs are on the floor together you don’t know how they will react to each other, this is a danger for both dogs, because it could turn ugly and they could end up fighting and do some meager damage to each other. Also this can result in injury to you as well, so to prevent this never have more than one dog on the floor, or non on the floor what so ever. Make sure the dogs are always put back in the cage or are on a table safely or in the bath securely. If this happens, always have a back up such as a break stick and a meme bee of staff to help break up the fight, the dogs owners must be called immediately. If you are hurt get it checked out and make sure you have a first aid kit.
Clippers are a hazard because they get really hot. If the blades get too hot it can cause burns on the dogs skin, and this is very uncomfortable and sore for the dog because it burns the skin same as what it would do to humans. To prevent this make sure to always have spare clipper blades and change them over when they get hot, or you could leave the clippers to cool down. If clipper

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