Salem Witch Trials

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In 1962 everything went wrong when two girls became very ill. The Puritans were becoming very worried they had very strong belief in god and they feared the devil. A couple of weeks later and the girls went to see a doctor to see if they could figure out why they were so ill. The doctor said that they had to be under an evil hand. So the Puritans believed that all witches could use the devils power to harm other people. Since they thought all witches had power to harm other people they went around and found people that they thought or they were doing witchcraft. They would blame other people for doing witchcraft and they wouldn't even be doing it. They had said that if you wrote in the devils book you have the power. These girls were asked by many people if they had came in contact with the devil. If you were accused of doing witchcraft you had to go to trial. If you don't confess that you have done or you do witchcraft you will be hung. At the end of May there were more than 60 people that were accused of doing witchcraft. The Salem Witch Trials was the biggest American witch hunt ever. There were 19 people that were killed and hung as witches. The witch hunt started in a small farming community of Salem. At one point there was 150 people in prison for being accused. There was one man that was pressed to death with stones because he didn't confess. In New England there were 16 people hung before 1962. Still in 1963 one year later there were still many people in prison waiting for their trial. They believe that the witchcraft had came from New England. The Salem Witch Trials are a series of hearings and prosecutions of people being accused of witchcraft. Many of the people that were accused of witchcraft was in Colonial Massachuse...

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...under heavy stones because he refused to submit to go to trial on witchcraft charges. Hysteria had got to a lot of people. 19 had died from the Gallows Hill in Salem, but others had died in prison. Hysteria began after a group of girls were possessed by the devil. In Salem, Massachusetts is where most people were accused of witchcraft. There were 19 men and women that were hung and one man was pressed to death with big rocks. There were many people that had never did witchcraft and they were accused of it and put in prison. After they were put in prison they had to wait many years for their trial. Some people were in prison so long that they died. The Puritans were really scared that they were not going to have control of what was happening and they would go in attack and there colony would mess up. The Salem Witch Trials was a really bad time in American history.

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