Saint Fancis Of Francis Essay

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Saint Fancis of Assisi Saint Francis was born in 1182, in

Assisi Italy. His real name is Giovanni Francesco

Bernardone, but his father wanted him to be called Francis.

He received very little education as a child, even though his

father was a rich merchant. His father, Pietro di Bernardone,

was a wealthy merchant, and his mother's name was Pica.

Francis always dreamed about riding through the town as a

hero. His father wanted Francis to learn about being a silk

merchant, but Francis wasn't interested. Later, the city he

lived in, Assissi, got into a battle with a neighboring city of

Perugia, and Francis fought in the battle. He bought fancy

horses, swords, and clothes to impress others. He was

captured and put in jail for 1 year, and during this time he

came down with a severe illness. After he was released from

prison he decided to change his life. Francis visited many

places, but lived in Assisi Italy. He had also lived in Mt.

Subasio in 1208. There, during mass, he heard a voice

saying to him three times to go out into the world and to

posses nothing and do good ...

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