Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction Essay

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Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction Sacroiliac joint dysfunction is a condition that causes inflammation on one or both sides of the sacroiliac (SI) joint. The SI joint connects the lower part of the spine (sacrum) with the two upper portions of the pelvis (ilium). This condition causes deep, aching or burning pain in the low back. In some cases, the pain may also spread into one or both buttocks or hips or spread down the legs. CAUSES This condition may be caused by: • Pregnancy. During pregnancy, extra stress is put on the SI joints because the pelvis widens. • Injury, such as: ○ Car accidents. ○ Sport-related injuries. ○ Work-related injuries. • Having one leg that is shorter than the other. • Conditions that affect the joints, such as: ○ …show more content…

These may include: ○ MRI. ○ CT scan. ○ Bone scan. • Diagnostic injection. A numbing medicine is injected into the SI joint using a needle. If the pain is temporarily improved or stopped, this can indicate that SI joint dysfunction is the problem. TREATMENT Treatment may vary depending on the cause and severity of your condition. Treatment options may include: • Applying ice or heat to the lower back area. This can help reduce pain and muscle spasms. • Medicines to relieve pain or inflammation or to relax the muscles. • Wearing a back brace (sacroiliac brace) to help support the joint while your back is healing. • Physical therapy to increase muscle strength around and flexibility at the joint. This may also involve learning proper body positions and ways of moving to relieve stress on the joint. • Direct manipulation of the SI joint. • Injections of steroid medicine into the joint in order to reduce pain and swelling. • Radiofrequency ablation to burn away nerves that are carrying pain messages from the joint. • Use of a device that provides electrical stimulation in order to reduce pain at the

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