SWAT A Dangerous Job Essay

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In a blogpost, I found a question, made by a wife to her husband (who is a swat officer).
My husband is in his 5th month as a police officer, and between his grumpy attitude, crappy shifts, scary stories, and big head, we are having a bit of a hard time adapting. He is also a volunteer firman, so I have learned not to worry or even think about the dangers he might face out there; but the complete turn around in his attitude and him never being home unless to sleep is throwing me and the kids through a loop. I was told to ask one of his co-workers who have been married for quite a while, how they make it work. Unfortunately all of them have been divorced at least once. Any suggestions?
From different sites and blogs I found some points, why …show more content…

We might think that we are fully prepared but there is always a room for improvement. As you meet violent individuals, murderers and killers with armed weapons that do no mercy to the life’s of the people and which includes you too. Traffic accidents, especially in the situations where you need to track and hunt down the deadly criminals, are a real possibility.
As this job asks you to keep your secrets from your family and beloved ones. There are long hours, confrontations with the public, dangerous situations and exposure to death and suffering. As the part of the job is to deal with rowdy, wild and rude citizens so, it means you must have a lot of patience and high tolerance level. There is no surety whether they will see their home and family again. This thought of not sharing your daily job with you beloved ones makes a person lonely and irritating. The second stage is the stress (mainly post-traumatic stress dis-order).
The work schedule for police officers varies and is unpredictable depending on the department , shifts and area, where you will work. Some police officers work about 10 to 12-hour shifts, others work overnight, on weekends and holidays, etc. Because they know that public safety and security is a 24-hour

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