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Suicide in the United States has increased to the highest levels in thirty years. According to the federal data analysis women and middle aged Americans are the two groups, which have been on the rise (Tavernise, 2016). As school counselor in training, it is apparent the growth of stressors, social, and academic pressures have been a concern for the public. Therefore, it is vital for counselors to become familiar with suicidal assessments to identify warning signs. This paper, will discuss the SIMPLE STEP designed by Jason McGlothlin and the ABC model of crisis intervention formed by Gerald Caplan and Eric Lindemann
The ABC model practices a three-step model process, which contains A: establish a relationship. B: understand the problem. C: coping. The model gives emphasis on forming a rapport with a client and boiling down to the problem. Shortly after, the model labels the …show more content…

Whereas, The SIMPLE STEP model provides a counselor a simple tool to be used for ongoing monitoring of suicide risk. Those tools are defined as follows: Suicidal, Ideation, Method, Perturbation, Loss, Earlier Attempts, Substance Abuse, Emotions, Lack of protective Factors, and Stresses and Life Events. For example, the SIMPLE STEP assessment information would be gathered as what is their intent, how accessible is their suicidal methods, how strongly is their emotional pain, early attempt, and any stressors (Sharpen Your Clinical Skills). Glothlin explains: depending on the age group you are assessing, there are numerous means to evaluate. For instances, in the audio book he presents details on nine-year-old boy committing suicide and describes various tactics to question if the child is suicidal or not. Those tactics include asking the child in numerous means explanation of death and

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