Ryan White's Postive Changes In The 1980s

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Sophia Hawkins Mrs. Kassar English 10 Honors 1 March 2024 Ryan White’s Postive Changes In the 1980s, as the AIDS epidemic unfolded, Ryan White emerged as a symbol of courage and resilience. He left a permanent mark on the AIDS community, causing positive change in attitudes, policies, and support systems. He was diagnosed with HIV/AIDS at the age of 13. Due to this, he faced discrimination and adversity. Ryan White's impact on the AIDS community is shown through his personal resilience and legal advocacy, which not only challenged stigmas but also led to the establishment of the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program. This program has proven effective in addressing the healthcare needs of individuals and families affected by HIV/AIDS. He left a positive change …show more content…

The following quote is from an article by Health Affairs explaining the disparities in viral suppression due to the Ryan White HIV/AIDS program. “The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program is a federal program that provides care, treatment, and support services for people living with HIV as a payer of last resort. Administered by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), the program is well positioned to contribute significantly to reducing HIV-related health disparities because it uses a public health approach to provide a comprehensive system of safety-net care for people living with HIV. Over its twenty-five-year history, it has worked to reduce disparities in HIV health outcomes related to race/ethnicity, age, gender, and other risk factors.” (Health Affairs) This quote highlights what the Ryan White program has done for those living with HIV/AIDS and mentions the reduction in those affected. This next quote is from HIV.Gov, in an article explaining the evolution of Ryan White HIV/CARE. “Five years later, just a few months after the release of antiretroviral medication in late 1995 and early 1996, death rates from AIDS plummeted in the

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