Rutgers University Scholarship Essay

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From the time I was younger, I always dreamt of becoming a successful doctor. I came to the realization when I stumbled across the discovery channel at the age of seven. It fascinated me how the doctors worked efficiently everyday in hopes of helping people prosper in their lives. At that moment I knew that helping people would become a passion of mine. At a young age, I told myself I will go to medical school and become a medical doctor. It seemed like a simple task in my childish mind. Little did I know that the process would be much more complicated. I want to attend a university where I will be challenged academically and become independent in my studies. As well as being motivated to become the best version of myself. If I attend Rutgers University I will be able to fulfill all of these qualities that I want in my education. Rutgers University will help me gain more opportunities in the medical field and it will guarantee me a successful career. …show more content…

Education has always been a priority in my family. My father has come from very humble beginnings; where both of his parents were illiterate. He was raised on a farm with 16 brother and sisters. His parents put their blood and sweat into sending him to America in achieving the “American Dream”. My father had worked multiple jobs to support his family back home in Haiti. Today, my father owns his own taxi driving business stationed in New Jersey and New York City. My father has worked exceptionally hard in supporting and making sure I have all the necessity I need to mature as a person. My father’s parents not being able to read and not being able to assist him in his growing education has lead him to appreciate the idea of education in furthering a person's life. In addition, my father is able to provide for me more then his parents were able to provide for him educationally and financially

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