Russian Revolution And Joseph Stalin Comparison Essay

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1. Communism: A political and economic system where wealth and productive resources are distributed equally to create an equal society. Created by Karl Marx, Communism was implemented into Russian society when Stalin came to power and enforced Stalinism, a harsher type of communism. Communism was important to the revolution because it was an ideal of the Bolsheviks, which was a group that was revolting against the weak government. In the end Communism caused more problems than it solved ("Communism").

2. Totalitarianism: A state of government in which there is little or no freedom for the people. The people involved in totalitarianism are controlled completely by the government. Several terrible outcomes have come from totalitarian government …show more content…

Josef Stalin: Josef Stalin was the ruthless totalitarian ruler in Russia after the revolution. He came into power in 1922 and used his absolute power to suppress all opposition. He abandoned Lenin’s policies and began to revive militarism. His policies censored the public, destroyed agriculture, promoted weapon manufacturing, and killed millions ("Joseph Stalin”).

18. Leon Trotsky: Trotsky was the commissar of foreign affairs and war during Lenin’s rule. He was Lenin’s right hand man and helped him carry out many policies and even the treaty of Brest-Litovsk. When Lenin was at his death bed, he told Trotsky to open an attack on Stalin, trying to keep him out of power. In the end, Stalin came into power and sent Trotsky into exile, later killing him ("Leon Trotsky").

19. Checka/KGB: The KGB is a secret police force used in soviet Russia for security of the country’s political leadership. During the civil war, they were called Checka, and they crushed anti-Soviet rebellions. When Stalin came into power, he used the secret police to take out any opposition to his rule by carrying out purges. During WWII they were used to spy on enemies in foreign countries including the U.S. Once Stalin died, the KGB was created to be the “sword and shield of the Communist Party” as a new security service.

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