Russel Ogden's Thesis At Simon Fraser University

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Russel Ogden’s topic in the early 1990s for his MA thesis at Simon Fraser University (SFU) helped to start up his long involvement with controversy. By deciding to conduct research on assisted suicide among people living with HIV/AIDS), Ogden became involved in a contentious moral and political debate. As he continued his research, he soon encountered a second controversial issue – academic freedom. Later, in early 2015, a third area of controversy happened, this one about his status with his employer. Soon after successfully defending his thesis in early 1994, Ogden received a subpoena to appear at a British Columbia Coroner’s Jury that was looking at a suspected case of assisted suicide. Under the Section 241 of the Criminal Code of Canada, anyone (including a doctor) who helps someone to commit suicide is guilty of an indictable offence and can receive a prison term of up to fourteen years (Government of Canada Justice Laws). Authorities believed that Ogden had some knowledge of the matter. When he was asked to …show more content…

A Google search of his name on May 30, 2015, for instance, came up with about 350,000 results. His involvement with assisted suicide and his ongoing stalemate with KPU have attracted the attention of printed and broadcast media (including CNN) in North America and Europe. One aspect that has probably attracted the interest of some media in reporting on Ogden’s research is some of the graphic details that have revealed. Even the respected New York Times once reported: In five cases, victims were unsuccessfully suffocated. In one case, the people who assisted in the suicide resorted to slitting the victim's wrists with a razor blade and in another case to shooting him. Two were injected with pure heroin. Many of the acts of euthanasia took several hours or longer to be completed. In one case it took four days

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