Rushdie's Haroun And The Sea Of Stories

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As a reader one has the ability and freedom to see both sides of the story. As well, to interpret the meaning of the message intended by the writer to be delivered. With what is in one person can take away after a reading it may be different from the one that another reader may have taken from it. Personal prospective within culture, religion, political views, education, and experience deprecate in how one person views the message. In Haroun and the Sea of stories there are many occasions where the writer, Rushdie, gives the reader endless ways to interpret the different messages he intends the reader to take away. At times, Rushdie wants the reader to take a deeper thought about what his intentions are. For instance, thinking about opposites, …show more content…

Here is where the bad, black, and negative labels appear. Who would not think of sadden definitive departure of a loving one as a tragedy making you feel sad, and hopeless. In Mr. Rashid world in some way he was happy with his story telling as a living, but Ms. Soraya and Mr. Sengupta thought that stories were not useful and meaningful. Thus, she left with Mr. Sengupta because he had no imagination therefore he thought of life as a serious business and was not making up stories. Additionally, Haroun blamed his father for his mother departure. Therefore, this whole event gains that label as mentioned before, bad, black and negative. Yet, are really these labels bad, sad, and negative? As the story develops it is up to the reader to understand and see what is the real beauty in them. The reason for it; is that there was indeed the need of a sad, bad, departure to make Haroun to start that journey with his father to understand “What is the use of stories that aren’t even true”, this is the good in the bad. Otherwise, he would have kept that wrong idea, or simply not understand at all, about what is the use of stories that are not even true in his head. He would not live and experience on real/fiction world the appreciation and importance of history telling and the connections or different parts that …show more content…

He/she is automatically label as dumb, stupid, and unreasonable, but one may not know are the inside details and reasons that make that person to make that decision. That maybe after getting the information ahead one may understand why he/she ultimately declined that great opportunity. It is easy to judge, but most of the times it is very hard to understand the why’s and the how’s of that. Let alone to understand, to take the time to analyze the reasons, to be in somebody else’s shoes. It is necessary to understand the differences of each side and take a deeper look to them and find its exquisiteness no matter how opposite of one’s preferences and comforts, who knows one can find new interesting opposites to explore and

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