Rudy Giuliani's Role In The Aftermath

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Global Healing: Rudy Giuliani’s Role in the Aftermath of 9/11 When the American founding fathers etched the first words into the Constitution, they formulated the timeless document around three basic principles: logos, ethos, and pathos. Essentially, the Framers envisioned a society and country where free speech allows people to utilize these core fundamental principles as a symbol of American freedom following secession from the British. In fact, these core principles were first operated in a political scheme by the Athenians and Romans. But over many centuries, these principles finally gained recognition in a revolutionary setting when they were first employed by social theorists such as John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, Jean Jacques Rousseau, and Voltaire. Following the Humanist Revolution, these same principles …show more content…

And to this day, these values hold up and serve as the basis for all aspects of our country, whether it range from politics to social issues. But on September 11, 2001, these fundamental principles that stand for freedom were put into serious jeopardy by maniacal terrorists who refused to accept the progressive role that America played on a global scale. But as America slowly began to recover from this tragedy, the responsibility to lift the American spirit was left to the hands of the politicians who we ironically know to cause so much chaos and bipartisan gridlock. Nonetheless, world leaders such as Rudy Giuliani eased the pain for the American populous in a manner that called for reform in order to prevent an attack like this from ever occurring on American soil. Ultimately, in his address to the United Nations General Assembly following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Rudy Giuliani makes effective use of tone, rhetorical devices, and logical and emotional appeals to soothe the wounds that the

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