R's Jaqueline Case Summary

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R/s they had court on yesterday and Jessica lied to the judge. R/s Jessica told the judge that she had Jacqueline register at Rebound for 30-days treatment services. R/s Jacqueline wasn’t registered at Rebound. R/s last week Jacqueline was scheduled for an assessment at mental health and evaluation on the 23rd, but Jessica didn’t take Jacqueline because she didn’t think it was important. R/s Jaqueline was released from Rebound on 08/15/2016 following a self-harm incident. ALLEGATIONS: R/s Jacqueline (16) is low functioning and has an emotional disability. R/s Jacqueline isn’t in school and on yesterday Jessica (mom) withdrawal Jacqueline from school and supposedly to register Jacqueline in a GED program. R/s Jacqueline needs mental health

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