Roxanne Gay's How To Be Friends With Another Woman

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Female friendships are thought of as complicated, confusing and stereotyped as maleficent. Roxanne Gay stated in her book Bad feminist that, “all female friendships must be bitchy, toxic, or competitive.” (47) Her point made in the chapter titled; ‘How to Be Friends with Another Woman’ clarifies and lays out the rules and procedures women must undergo and follow to satisfy society’s basic layout of women’s relationships. Her points stated specify the attitudes, behavior, and expectations of one another to balance and create a stable relationship. What we as a society need to do is learn how to improve the expectations and change the reality of friendships between men and women, we all need to get rid of the negative mentality that has stained the idea of female, and even male relationships categorized as either uncooperative, competitive, or complicated and change our behavior positively, portraying male and female relationships as harmonious and …show more content…

Men tend to give each other a hard time and judge each other, alike what females do. However, where women judge, men compete. Women take it to higher levels. The attitudes held toward one another as a result of jealousy or hate is what begins problems within society. To be pessimistic and compassionate with other is to change and improve assumptions and mentalities. The moment we learn to understand and accept the differences in others will be when everyone will flourish and live in peace. Instead of trying to outdo someone’s accomplishments ideas, or mentalities, one must learn to recognize and appreciate their accomplishments and attitudes and influence or encourage a positive response instead. There is no need to fight for the title of greatest, funniest or best in a group or representative for a group. The moment we all stop competing with each other will be when we all understand an learn how to cooperate and appreciate each

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