Rosetta Stone Influence

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For 1,500 years, the world had lost the way to understand ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic scripts. Then, in 1799, a French soldier stumbled upon an artifact that sparked a race to read the forgotten words of the pharaohs. The Rosetta Stone was discovered in the ruins of the fort St. Julien, near the mouth of the Nile downriver from Rosetta. Renowned by the entire world, the Rosetta stone changed people’s lives because of its origins, how it influenced life today, and the battle of where it belongs.
Many people believe that the Rosetta Stone was found somewhere in the area of England because it now rests in the British Museum. They would be wrong. It was found near the Egyptian settlement of Rashid, a commercial port in the Nile Delta, which was …show more content…

Some people do not even know what it is and what it made possible. The actual message of the stone was not that important, but the languages that it were presented were. Trustees of the British Museum claim that in itself, the Rosetta Stone is no more remarkable than the other stelae of its time. But its preservation helps us to understand Egypt's past as well as shifting powers during the Greco-Roman period when Egypt was ruled by the Macedonians, Ptolemies and the Romans. The pharaohs, of whom Cleopatra was the last, would be succeeded by Coptic Christians, Muslims, and Ottomans from 639 to 1517 A.D. Because the Rosetta Stone was inscribed in more than one language Champollion was able to decipher the secrets of the hieroglyphs. This helped to unlock the history of Egypt. Some people do not think that history is that important, let alone the history from a place so far away, but ancient Egypt was very influential around the world therefore influencing America. The Egyptians created many things and concepts that you can see everywhere you go such as architecture, astronomy, astrology, time, medicine, rule of law, and even paper (trustees). All of these have been influenced by the ancient Egyptians. If the Rosetta Stone had not been found, the language of hieroglyphs might still be a mystery to us, and so would Egypt’s past. Unlocking that time period has been more influential to life today than many people

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