Rose Thorns

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Flowers are beautiful and harmless but roses are protected; however, roses did not always have thorns. A long time ago, in between the flat top mountains was a village called Starryhaven. Surrounded by luxurious emerald of trees and known for their sapphire waters, Starryhaven was the wealthiest place known to mankind. Throughout the Starryhaven there was one girl who could make anyone smile. She was the Rose Maiden. She was a pure as jasmines and as innocent as lilacs. Her golden locks would shine brightly though the village as she chased after giggling children. Everyone who knew her was quite taken with her. The old, the young, and even the dead were grateful to her kind actions that had left the village blossoming for twenty years.
One day the village was preparing for their annual spring festival when a young man arrived. Dressed in the finest cloud fibers, he looked around the village. The Rose Maiden ran brushed passed him chasing after the young child who would not dress properly. “Stop, child. You must try on this dress for tonight,” the Rose Maiden stated. Unaware of the young man, she looked up from the child and found the villagers staring behind her. The young man stared into her face as she looked away. “Who are you?” he asked. She did not dare to answer. “I am the Sun Prince! I have come on behalf of Apollo!” he announced. The villagers murmured after his announcement. The village chief stepped out of the crowd and welcomed him kindly. He took another look at the Rose maiden with his hawk eyes, piercing her soul. The bright blue sky soon turned into an everlasting stretch of coral as the sun set. The village would light up stained glass lanterns and music would fill the air. The Rose Maiden dressed in a layer of fi...

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...ness or health. She befriended Athena, who instructed her on the role of a woman. In place of the Prince, she stood in court for him when he was not there to approve things for his kingdom. Whenever he had company over, the Rose Maiden labored away in the kitchen and dining room without the aid of servants. She never once complained or tried to ask for help. The Sun Prince became attached to the Sunflower Princess who seemed to shine bright and follow him everywhere he went.
The Rose Maiden and her children were casted out of the Sky kingdom as the Sun Prince wedded the Sunflower Princess. Her kind heart became full of hate as she and her children crashed into the dry cracked earth. Upon her death, Hera sympathized with the Rose Maiden and turned her into a beautiful red rose with thorns, forever protecting the Rose Maiden from the clutches of men and their wishes.

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