Roomba Pros And Cons

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Not everyone has the time to take 30-60 minutes vacuuming their entire apartment or household, so many tend to buy what are called Roombas. Roombas are small robotic vacuums that freely roam around the room and don’t need any supervision or handling, which means you can leave for work or errands while your Roomba does all the work for you. The 770 is a good example of some of the smarter models on the market. In this Roomba 770 review, we’ll go over its many features that may benefit towards your daily cleaning tasks along with its pros and cons. Roomba 770 Specs and Features How Does It Work? The basic function of the Roomba isn’t too far from similar models or devices. Its cleaning patterns consist of zigzag motions as it moves along the edges of walls and baseboards and uses the spot cleaning mode for local It also may have a little trouble transitioning to carpet and may need help getting over it. If you’re not home, it can either get stuck or move on in another direction, and if you have a dark colored carpet, the Roomba may see it as an open hole or blank space and decide not to cross over it. Three Cleaning Modes The Roomba has three different cleaning modes depending on how quickly you need to clean or how much you need cleaned. The quick clean mode cleans the room without worrying about spots that need more attention or if you accidentally spilled some dry cereal everywhere and need to clean it up. The spot cleaning allows the Roomba to focus on a specific area and not the whole room. Lastly, the scheduled cleaning option allows you to preset your Roomba for cleaning at specific times, for example, right as you leave for work or right after dinner. You can preset your Roomba up to seven times a week. To schedule the Roomba for cleaning, just turn it on, press “clock,” enter a specific time and day, and then save your changes by pressing

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