Ronald Reagan Good Vs Evil

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Ronald Reagan believed that the United States must never lose their principles or grounding which come from being part of the faithful. He viewed evangelicals who participated in the government as being saviors of the Unite States. He saw them as preventing the moral decline of the United States. He saw the overall battle as being between good and evil, with the United States being a beacon of all that is good, so long as it remained true to its’ christian principles. Reagan urged his audience to not accept the idea that both sides of a struggle are equally at fault. That the battle of good versus evil is ever ongoing and that the arms race was not just a simple misunderstanding, but rather a battle against evil. Reagan believed that because their motives were spiritual and not materiel, that they would triumph because there are no limitations on the freedom of man. …show more content…

He believes that while the Republican party is pro-life and against same-sex marriage, that there are many issues that are not addressed by the republican party. He holds that you cannot neglect a social emphasis for a personal one regarding faith. He does not believe that being a christian should mean that you are apart of the Republican party, because christians should not be pro-war, anti-feminist, or anti-gay. He thinks that the religious should realize that the Republican party is a party for the rich, one that also does not protect the environment. According to Campolo, the environment should be of great importance to christians as well, not just abortion. He believes that the Republican party has manipulated evangelicals into voting for their party, because they must have evangelicals in order to

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