Rome's Sacred Fire Essay

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Vesta is the Goddess of Worship and Rome’s Sacred Fire. Rome’s Sacred Fire is essential to everything in Rome; From cooking raw food, to heating up homes, the fire kept Rome functioning. Sacrifice was always made by fire to ensure the gods were happy. Without the gods being happy, destruction and plague would come over the land as a punishment to humanity, so fire kept Romans from a massive population loss. Worship was essential to everyday life in Rome. The Hearth was figuratively and literally most of the time the center of the house, in the Lararium. The Hearth was where private worshipping was held. The women of the household were responsible to kindle and keep the fire going in the Hearth at all times. During the ritual, prayer was fundamental. Romans were generally very detailed in prayer. Their prayers were so detailed they resemble modern day contracts. Vesta was the Goddess of one of the most important pieces of rome, Worship and the Sacred Fire. The Hearth was the center of the house and life. The Hearth was a fire that was always burning in the house. This fire was used for many things: drying clothes, keeping warm, light torches, cook food and was used to …show more content…

Their prayers were so detailed, historians say they often resemble modern day contracts. "Be thou well, family Lars (adoratio). Be ye well, Di Penates (adoratio). Be well, House of the Paterfamilias (adoratio). Be well, Mother Vesta (adoratio). It is so! May I, Gens,and the entire nation of Nova Roma have what is goodly, auspicious, fruitful, fortunate, and wholesome. It is so!"-Roman Prayer in Rome Translated into English. Sacrifice and worship was important to keep the Gods satisfied with humanity; without sacrifice, plague, corruption and destruction would rain on the land. These factors are what ultimately brought The Roman Empire down so maybe they should have made an extra casserole for Jupiter and

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