Romeo And Juliet Tragic Ending Essay

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William Shakespeare’s play, Romeo and Juliet was written in 1597 and has gained worldwide fame for its renowned way of portraying themes, such as love, hate, responsibility and family. One of the most prominent themes in the play is fate. Readers learn in the prologue, before the play has even began, that the play is set to end in tragedy. Readers learn that Romeo and Juliet are a pair of “star crossed lovers” who “take their life”. Events in the play lead up to the tragic ending for the pairing. These events that helped lead Romeo and Juliet to their tragic ending are, Romeo receiving the invitation to the Capulet party, Romeo murdering Tybalt after Mercutio’s death and the letter not arriving to Romeo to warn him of Juliet’s fake death plan.
Tybalt, Juliet’s cousin, rallies up a fight with Romeo’s good friend, Mercutio. Romeo, not wanting to fight considering his love affair with Juliet, tries to break up the fight. His attempt to break up the fight is unsuccessful. The fight between Tybalt and Mercutio ends up in the death of Mercutio. As Mercutio lies dying, he shouts "A plague o ' both your houses!" (Act 3, Scene 1) This quote also foreshadows the upcoming deaths of Romeo and Juliet and the pain it will inflict on their families. After Mercutio’s fateful death, Romeo is blindsided with anger and attacks and kills Tybalt. Once, Romeo has realized what he has done, he claims “Oh, I am fortune 's fool!” (Act 3, Scene 1). This fight between Mercutio and Tybalt led to the death of them both, which led to Romeo being banished from Verona, leaving Juliet heartbroken. “O God! Did Romeo 's hand shed Tybalt 's blood?” (Act 3, Scene 2) is a quote said by Juliet, showing how distraught is over this situation. This leaves Juliet visibility upset and her parents notice this sadness of hers. Her parents end up promoting up the idea that to cheer Juliet up, they arrange a marriage to her suitor, Paris, to come earlier than expected. To her parent’s disappointment, Juliet dislikes this idea. To avoid this marriage from happening, Juliet goes to her local Friar, Friar Lawrence and the two develop a plan to stop this
The pair of star crossed lovers, Romeo and Juliet were destined to end in tragedy. The events that led to their tragic end included, Romeo being invited to the Capulet party where Romeo and Juliet first meet, Romeo murdering Tybalt, and the letter not arriving to warn Romeo of Juliet’s fake death. Fate led Romeo and Juliet to their deaths and there was nothing the pair could do about

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