Romeo And Juliet Risk Taking Consequences Essay

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Consequences of Risk Taking By:Balraj

If you took a life threatening decision into action, would you perform it with no remorse or would you think it through before acting? In the matter of just a few days, many plans have not been executed as they were supposed to in the story of Romeo and Juliet. Friar Lawrence played a big part in the death or Romeo and Juliet, the risk they took for the lovers to be together exceeded the boundaries of what “love” really is. Both lovers had to express their feelings by meeting in person, but no one would ever let a Montague communicate with a Capulet in such a way other than the Nurse.
Romeo and Juliet had to break the unwritten law’s of the families feud, just to speak to each other.

Friar Lawrence’s plan for both Romeo and Juliet did not go as planned and took a turn for the worse. Friar Lawrence had sent a letter that did not reach Romeo and Romeo had killed himself, this is the risk that Friar Lawrence took, he put Juliet and Romeos life in danger and when Romeo died Juliet was going to die so making that risk was a bad part on Friar Lawrence because if the …show more content…

Romeo could’ve been seen, caught, and maybe killed if a guard saw him. Also if Tybalt saw him he really would’ve died because when he saw Romeo at the party he wanted to fight him and was acting very aggressive towards him. With both families feuding the accompany of being with each other was very risky because of the hatred getting passed around both families. Any one of the two lovers could have been killed if they were seen together because of the “war” between both families. The actions of Romeo affected a lot of people and it also costed a lot of people's lives like Mercutio’s, Tybalt’s, Romeo’s Mother (Lady Capulet), and both Romeo and

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