Romeo And Juliet Research Paper

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The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet written by William Shakespeare is a tale of two young lovers. This play takes place in Verona, Italy. Romeo and Juliet are two teenage lovers fighting to be together. These two lovers have to go through a lot of things to be together. They were fighting to be together because their families have feuds together. They will fight until there together or death. Romeo and Juliet do not want to be separated from each other. There in love even though there families are enemies. Historically, this story has been considered a tragedy. It has many elements of a tragedy, such as the deaths of both characters. However, The Tragedy of Romeo & Juliet also contains many features of a comedy. Three humorous aspects of the …show more content…

It has all the making of a classic farce. It is an exaggeration and a complete non realistic play. One quote is “For never was a story of more woe” which mean this story did not make sense at all it was not a tragic story. Another example says “cry but “Ay me!” pronounce but “love” and “Dove”,”this is saying that they hear him crying out his moans because he is being over dramatic. Also, it is saying that he is putting too much emphasis into it and nets to bring it down. One more quote is, “ spread thy close curtain, love-performing night, that runaway's eyes may wink,and romeo leap to these arms untalked of and unseen. Lovers cans see to do their own beauties; or, if love be blind, It best agrees with night. Come, civil night” which is saying that he is to exaggerated and it seems funny by the way he says oit and acts. Finally, the last quote is “talk not to me, for i'll not speak a word. Do as thou wilt, for i have done with thee” it saying that the way he is talking gives the perspective of how his attitude is and that's what people think his ways …show more content…

The first example is “We met, we wooed, and made exchange of vow, i'll tell thee as we pass; but this i pray that thou consent to marry us today holy saint Francis! What a change is here!” in my perspective this means that he just meet her and he wants to marry her is kind of weird because he was just in love with another girl. Another example is “Is Rosaline, that thou didst love so dear, so soon forsaken? Young men's love then lies not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes.” i think this is saying that he was just in love with Rosaline and now he wants to marry Juliet they're really not his true loves he just wants a partner. Finally, “wisely and slow. They stumble that run fast.[Exeunt], this is saying he is not thinking wisely he is caught up in all the fake

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