Romeo And Juliet Identity Quotes

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Romeo is controlled by his ID, as shown by how easily and quickly he is able to fall in love with Juliet after he is in love with Rosaline. Romeo’s ID is also controlling him in the end based on the bad choices he makes with people and himself. Romeo falls in love with Juliet during the Capulet masquerade ball, and one knows this because Romeo says “Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear!” (Rom. 2.5.45) Romeo has fallen in love with Juliet's looks, which shows that he does not really care about personality and that his ID is just telling him to get over Rosaline.
Romeo kills Tybalt, when he is in a rage. Which points to him being controlled by his ID and shows that his behavior and emotions are all in the moment. Mercutio picks a fight

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