Romeo And Juliet Flaws Essay

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One of the things that make humans human is our flaws but flaws are by no means a good thing it stumps growth in humanity as a whole and hurts individuals. Flaws makes even the best of people lose their good judgment. In Romeo and Juliet (RJ) a tragedy by William Shakespeare the main two characters Romeo and Juliet both commit suicide because of their unfortunate mistakes. Romeo and Juliet’s tragic deaths are the effect of their own human flaws, not fate or other high powers. On the contrary, it could be said that their lives and deaths were destined.

Elizabethan beliefs were mostly influenced by astronomy but Shakespeare had a mixed view. Shakespeare as an Elizabethan believed in fate but he also believed in Aristotle's hamartia. Elizabethans …show more content…

Romeo is devastated when Tybalt kills Mercutio and when he was once advocating for peace he soon turns to violence. Romeo in a rage of anger and heedlessness runs after Tybalt to avenge his friend's death. Romeo’s fatal flaw is his impulsiveness and it is what brings his downfall. Romeo declares, “Now, Tybalt, take the ‘villain’ back again… Staying for thine to keep him company. Either thou or I, or both, must go with him”(3.1.130-134). As Flow asserts, “Romeo’s fatal flaw is impetuousness… He presents this fatal flaw again when he kills Tybalt Juliet's cousin”(3). Romeo makes many decisions in the play that help bring his and Juliet’s death. Many of Romeo’s decisions are made in haste and are not in the best interest of the two lovers. Romeo’s fatal flaw, carelessness is evident time and time again in the play but his hasty decision to kill Tybalt is arguably the most reckless. When Romeo kills Tybalt the chance of the lovers ever being able to be together is slim to none. Romeo killing Tybalt also starts the chain of events that lead to their deaths. It leads Friar Lawrence to come up with a foolish plan to prevent Juliet from killing herself the first time. The foolish plan ends up making

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