Romeny Brooks Character Analysis Essay

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Melody Brooks, a character from a novel,” Out of My Mind” is a very unique girl. She is eleven years old, but to be precise ten and three quarters. When she was a baby, she was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy, a disease that doesn’t allow to walk, talk, write, or have complete control of your limbs. Although, she cannot walk she has a pink wheelchair that shimmers and shines. She strolls on it everywhere she goes, with the guide of someone else. Everyone thinks she is an irrelevant person and is capable of nothing otherwise than breathing. Their theories are incorrect though because, she is polite, immensely brilliant, and has a persistent behavior. To begin with, Melody is a very charming girl. She is an honest and gentle young lady that cares about other people. An example of her gentleness is her kindness towards her three-year-old little sister Penny, who is obnoxious and irritating. Another illustration of her generosity is, her showing respect to her school aide, Catherine, who assists Melody by transporting her from class to class. She is kind-hearted and well-mannered to everybody she encounters. …show more content…

Melody is the complete opposite though, because she has a photographic memory. She is the smartest kid in school but, nobody knows this because, her disease doesn’t allow her to verbalize. It is a dungeon inside her brain, all those words captivated. It’s like a camera always filming, but its messages never get shown. A way to present her clever mind is whenever she got accepted into her schools “Whiz Kids” team, a squad where the brightest kids around the United States compete. Since she got accepted on the team, she became a

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