Rome And Carthage Similarities

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The differences between the governments in Rome and Carthage are as follows:

Type of Government
Rome is a republic, and runs the republican type of government in which citizens can vote and elect those representatives who make laws for them.
Carthage is an aristocracy, and runs the aristocratic type of government.

Government Structure
Rome: The government of Rome is controlled by two groups, and structured as follows:
The Patricians
The Senate: This is the highest body of government in Rome which is comprised of three hundred (300) upper class aristocrats and wealthy landowners. The senate is responsible for lawmaking, as well as the supervision of foreign affairs and treasury. The term of service is life-long.
The Consuls: These are the …show more content…

The censor conducts a heat count of Rome every five (5) years.
The Magistrates
The Praetors: These are the eight (8) judges who administered Roman law.
The Quaestors: These are the twenty (20) officials who managed financial and administrative matters.
The Aediles: These are the sixteen (16) officials who looked after particular matters of government such as public buildings, food supply and games.
The Plebeians
The Tribunes: These are the representatives of the ordinary people comprised of 10 members (primarily farmers, artisans and merchants called Plebeians).
The Assembly: This comprises of the ordinary people but limited to only the adult male citizens.

Carthage: The government of Carthage is structured as follows:
The Suffets: This is the most powerful body of government in Carthage. It is comprised of two (2) civilian individuals who oversees matters of judicial concerns, or civil lawsuits. This is equivalent to the consuls in Rome.
The Senate: The Carthaginian senate is composed of about three hundred (300) influential citizens whose membership is for life. The senate is responsible for advising the suffets on government matters including diplomatic, military, financial

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