Roman Dress Codes Essay

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A dress codes is a set of rules about what clothing may and may not be worn at a school, office, restaurant and etc. (Merriam Webster Dictionary, 2018). Dress codes are made for students to have a guideline of what types of clothing they can wear. It is created to protect students from fears, intimidation, and violence. It also helps students have a good environment of learning. Gender plays an important role in dress codes but division of the clothes of women from the clothes of men started in 2500 BC, the upper class women wear veils around their heads in a loose manner, while lower class women are not allowed to wear it. A punishment is given to lower class women who will dare to wear it. This was done in ancient Mesopotamia. Women that …show more content…

In ancient Greece, women started covering their breasts and this image is also seen in sculptures of goddesses. The presence of a patriarchal society is felt because women are now categorized for homes only. All of this happened in 400-500 BC. When women get married, they are required to wear a “floor length, modest gown” called a stola. But if women would wear clothes like a man’s, it looks dishonor and associated with prostitution and disloyalty. All of these occurred in ancient Rome. In 44 BC, the Roman Republic became into the Roman Empire and they became a law forbidding women to wear a toga. Along with this, the rights of women diminished. Wearing of hijab, a veiling or seclusion. Hijab used by Muhammad’s wives, this was used to show that the wives were safe and separated from men because Muhammad’s visitors often sleep meters away from the quarters of Muhammad’s wives. In 16th Century, women started to cover their feet, which the Chinese women didn’t like the most. It is also seen as symbol of beauty. Until 1949, the practice continued. Accessories made of silver, gold or any precious stones were prohibited to wear for women who were not married to a

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