Roller Coasters Research Paper

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Roller Coasters
Technology VS psychology
It’s clear that roller coasters, while safe, still create fear, and still provoke a ‘fight or flight’ response. This is all in the riders head and is a mixture of both the engineering and psychology of a roller coaster. Roller coasters create thrills through an illusion and the psychology of fear. The sensation of danger and great speed on a modern roller coaster is mainly an illusion. Accidents are rare because of all of the safety devices that have been put in place and continue to be invented. Designers of roller coasters manipulate our deepest fears and play psychological games creating scary rides.
The first ‘roller coaster’ was built in Russia in the 15th century where sleds made of cut lumber sped down ice-covered hills and reached 80km per hour. Some say that this wasn’t a real roller coaster as it didn’t lock cars into a track. However, the activity of these ‘sleds’ was then taken to Paris where small wheels were added to the side of them. Little attention was given to safety but oddly enough the injuries that passengers suffered increased the …show more content…

Each individual responds differently to fear and the main physical response is either fight or flight. When someone experiences fear, more likely than not the situation poses no real danger but the person cannot help the reaction. It is the same riding a roller coaster when there is no actual danger but the rider is scared anyway and cannot ignore the sensation of fear. This one basic fear that seems to affect everyone is loss of control. Once the roller coaster leaves the starting position, there is nothing anyone can do but sit and scream. The fear is mainly realizing that you are not in charge and that is very scary for some people. All roller coasters have two universal terrors; fear of falling and fear of heights. The loops, corkscrews and sharp turns come and go but the coaster always has one huge

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