Role Play In Social Work

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This video exercise helped me put into action what I have learned so far in class. In class we did plenty of exercises which involved role-playing. During the role-play, one of us would be the client and then the other would be the social worker. I believe that this type of role-play helped me a lot when it came to interviewing my partner. I had more of an idea of what kind of questions to ask and what steps to take in the interviewing process. I also felt that I showed genuineness and was interested in what my partner was talking about.
“Each of us will likely be most effective in our work when we are real with others. This does not mean that we have to tell clients our life stories, but it means that we are who we really are with them.” …show more content…

“Empathy involves thinking about a person and the challenge he or she is facing and coming to understand what it is like for that person to have that experience.” (Cameron, Keenan, p. 72). I feel that I showed empathy in my video at 08:28-08:50 minutes. I felt this because I understood what my client Ben was going through when he said he did not know what population he would like to work with just yet. I reassured Ben that I am still not completely sure about the population I wanted to work with and that he has time to figure that …show more content…

In this sense I had to use cultural scripts to understand where he was coming from. “Cultural scripts are the ways that groups of people relate and the expectations that groups of people have about such things as education, work, and who to love. “ (Cameron, Keenan, p. 191). He had a different cultural script than I did but being a social worker is part of understanding others cultural scripts. I know that being part of my family, just going to college was an accomplishment no matter what we studied. On the other hand, Ben thought he had to be a nurse just because that is what his family taught

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