Role Of Religion In American Culture

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The interface between religion and politics in the contemporary American culture has continued to generate a lot of controversy. The first half argue that there is a need for integration between church and state in other words, religion and politics and the other half argue that religion has no place and should be kept out of the affairs of the state.
Before moving forward it is imperative to understand the roles that the two parties play. Religion can be defined as “a personal set of institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, practices, cause, and principle, system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith, while Politics can be defined as the art of science and government and how it can be related to the relations between people …show more content…

This identity and ethical convictions are shaped by political laws which can affect individual or collective thought process. However, Faith is currently being pushed out of the public square and according to Onken, “many people in our pluralistic society are offended by the exclusivistic nature of the Christian faith.” (week 5). This is evident in the controversy behind the famous line from the pledge of Allegiance, “One nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.” Many atheists have consistently argued against this line and say that it goes against their freedom of religion. Clearly, they forget that America’s history is deeply embedded in religion and that is a fact that cannot be easily erased. Other controversies include stereotyping and discrimination, Abortion, Illegal immigration, prayer in public schools and same-sex marriage though political, all have a religious …show more content…

It could lead to political involvement meaning that, the people can vote for the laws as it pertains to their respective religions or it could lead to no involvement. However, the laws need to have a secular purpose which safeguards the freedom of the people and not lead to the creation of religious order. On the other hand, the government has no right to dictate religious freedom; likewise people with religious belief have to respect the law.
It is imperative to note that, America is a country of the people, by the people, and for the people, and its founding fathers never doubted for once the role of religion, instead they recognized it and believed that it could coexist side by side just as Jesus had insinuated when he was challenged in Luke 20:19-26 by the scribes and chief pries regarding the taxation laws. Jesus figured out their plan and told them to give to Caesar what is his and to God what belongs to him. Clearly, Jesus recognized the authority of Caesar, and this inference to authority can be applied to politics in the 20th

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