Role Of Psychology And Gun Control

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Role of Psychology and Gun Control
With the renewed debate over gun control and safety of the public is a growing topic among current events. With the complexity of the events occurring, the role of psychology and gun control should be addressed and discussed throughout scholars and others to address the urgency of this topic. Gun control and gun safety is complex multifaceted problem that is plaguing the citizens nationwide with the growing concern of the use of guns during homicides, suicide, or mass shootings. In this debate, the consideration of the U.S. Constitution’s second amendment, the causes of the violence occurring with guns, and the psychological profiles of the individuals causing harm onto others. In some ways, this debate could …show more content…

In this it is important to understand whites in the US have twice the rate of gun ownership of blacks, and oppose gun control laws (O’Brien, 2015). Literature suggests racism in whites shape the fear of violence by blacks and support policies that can disadvantage blacks, but there is no research conducted on whether racism is related to gun ownership (O’Brien, 2015). A study investigated whether racism is related to gun ownership and opposition to gun control in US whites, this study found that symbolic racism has been linked to opposition and support for a range of policies consistently associate with blacks (Green, 2006). This study found there was substantial evidence that whites associate blacks with violent crime, resulting conflation of race and crime is that whites high on symbolic racism will support policies perceived as being tough on crime and opposing policies considered lenient (Green, …show more content…

Many of these laws predate the establishment of the United States such as laws prohibiting blacks, free and slave from carrying arms (Meyer, 1991). Unlike the gun control laws passed after the Civil War effort, antebellum statutes by states were written for blacks alone due to irrational fears of an uprising among the black populations (O’Brien, 2015). Even though the advocates today do not openly promote racist laws, the concern is the motivations behind disarming blacks in the past are not as different as the motivations today. In current times, the push from politics to increase taxation on the middle class could cause deprivation and oppression among different races (Walker, 1991). Overall, gun control over our history has been a tool of racism increasing fear about potential black

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