Role Of Leadership In Health And Social Care

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A Health in All Policies approach with good health governance structures and measures to promote access and equity to health care services are prerequisites to the attainment of the Government of Malawi’s objectives to improve public health outcomes, reduce health inequalities and achieve health related millennium development goals. Leadership in the context of public health will involve political, bureaucratic and community. It will often be assigned in the roles and responsibilities for individuals such as the Minister of Health, Permanent Secretaries, community leaders or groups such as xxxxxx. Their leadership may be seen through the influence exercised by individuals or teams through their organization and networks - leading the public …show more content…

Thus, the starting point for implementing HiAP must be with understanding governmental policies which have an impact on health equity and health system functioning and implications for public health (112). Prig, critical, analytical and strategic thinking on key health policy concerns are essential skills in determining how resources will be allocated and identifying the policies and policy proposals which have potentially important implications for health (ref HiaP Country Action). Thus, these skills are crucial for Public health leaders’ in understanding the health policy issues. It is also important in understanding the goals of other sectors as well as how other policy decisions affect opportunity for change through intersectoral collaboration while also improving the health. These skill also underpin analysis of the impacts in terms of population health and costs to the society CHANGE THES WORDS mpacts for social determinants of health REFxxxxxx HiAP …show more content…

HiAP requires not only understanding and addressing health policy issues, but also being able to communicate and negotiate with policy-makers in other sectors. Capacity building is also required at an institutional level within the ministry and within other public health institutions advising government health policy. Finally, capacity building should also involve civil society in order to ensure that people develop health literacy and to hold policy makers accountable. In this respect civil society would need to participate in decision- making, implementation and evaluation of HiAP.

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