Role Of Culture In A Thousand Splendid Suns

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A Thousand Splendid Suns, a novel by Khaled Hosseini, tells the stories of a few people in Afghanistan in times of hardship. Because of the circumstances they live in, they are forced to do things they wouldn’t otherwise do. As the characters grow up in this culture it becomes clear how truly difficult it is to live in war torn Afghanistan. This novel is built upon the culture in Afghanistan, the role of characters in the story, and a major theme present throughout the story. The culture of Afghanistan is shown during this novel in a variety of ways. Because it is a Muslim, Middle-Eastern country, the culture is very different from America. The most prominent aspect of culture in the novel is family life. Mariam is a young girl who lives with …show more content…

Rasheed is Mariam’s husband, and later becomes Laila’s husband. He is a very conservative man that wants his wives to be covered. He thinks that men will look at them and he does not allow that. The first time Rasheed is introduced in the novel, he is already shown as being not the nicest. He wasn’t necessarily rude to start, but he was not welcoming. All that he really wanted was a son. He is a widower that lost his wife and son in years previous. He wants a son that can fill that spot. Mariam gets pregnant making Rasheed very hopeful he’ll have a son, until Mariam has a miscarriage. She can’t have children. Because of this, Rasheed no longer sees any reason to respect her. He begins to physically and verbally abuse her, causing Mariam to become unfriendly and closed off. To get the son he wants, he married Laila. Rasheed got his son. He treated his son very well, but abused his daughter and wives. “Rasheed raised the belt again and this time came at Mariam” (Hosseini, 241). This quote shows the abuse that Rasheed gave to his wives. When they didn’t do what he wanted, he would beat them. He is a cruel man that causes a lot of anxiety and stress to the wives …show more content…

An example of this theme is Mariam’s change of attitude. She was very upset and closed off. When Laila first came Mariam had no interest in being friends. She did what was expected of her and so did Laila. Laila wanted to be friends with her, but it wouldn’t work. Eventually, because of the abuse they both receive from Rasheed, Mariam begins to love Laila. Mariam becomes close with Laila and Laila’s children. This makes the two stronger, because it gives them someone to talk to. They are separated from the world. When they have someone there, the terrible times in the world seem a little less terrible. Another example of this theme is the love between Tariq and Laila. They loved one another for years, but were forced to keep it a secret. Although Laila is married to Rasheed, her heart is for Tariq. All she wants is to find Tariq and marry him. The novel ends with the two married. They are having another child, so they are playing a game to come up with a name for the child. “But the game only involves male names. Because, if it’s a girl, Laila has already named her” (Hosseini, 415). This goes back to her love for Mariam. Love is a theme in this story, because it connects the ones that truly need it. In times of struggle love is still

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