Roger Williams Religion

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What’s a life without freedom of religion? Roger Williams was a Puritan minster and author during a time where life wasn’t so pure. He was born in London, England, where the king believed that there was one religion and one religion only. This led to him moving to a land of free religion and lifestyle. What Roger Williams did to get the free land was a tremendous mission with journeys and stories that are quite interesting. Now join me for the journey through Roger Williams’ life and pursuit for Puritan freedom. Roger Williams was born around 1603. The exact date has not been found yet, because his birth records were destroyed in The Great Fire of London. He is the son of James and Alice Williams. His father was a prosperous merchant in London. …show more content…

This place soon became known as the colony of Rhode Island (Providence). Rhode Island became a haven for Baptists, Quakers, Jews, and other religious minorities. Williams made to trips back to England during his life in America. “The first in June or July of 1643 was to obtain a Charter for his colony to forestall the attempt of neighboring colonies to take over Providence. He returned with a Charter for “the Providence Plantations in Narragansett Bay” which incorporated Providence, Newport, and Portsmouth” ( On his trip to England and back, he wrote his best known literary work. It was called Key into the Languages of America. Once he returned to the Providence, he began trading with the Native Americans and became good friends with them. Of course colony affairs were still a problem, so Williams sold his trading post and returned to England. He returned with a Newport preacher, John Clarke, so that he could have the Charter confirmed. Due to family problems, he returned to Providence before 1654. Roger Williams died at Providence, Rhode Island in 1683. “Nearly a century after his death, Williams’ notion of a “wall of separation” between the church and the state inspired the founders of the United States, who incorporated it into the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights” ( In conclusion, Roger Williams was a Puritan minister and author during the seventeenth century. He did not agree with ways of the Church of England, so he migrated to Boston Massachusetts. He was then banished, and found the colony of Rhode Island. He passed in 1683 with an unspecified

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