Roe Vs Wade Persuasive Speech Outline

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Introduction I want to tell you a story about Roe v Wade to demonstrate the legality of abortion in the United States. This year marks the 30th anniversary after the controversial ruling of the Roe v Wade case in the Supreme Court of the United States of America. The 7-2 decision invoked the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution in the process of legalizing abortion (Greenhouse and Siegel 257). The matter became a state issue due to the widespread belief that the judges focused more on the rights of the doctors rather than the mothers. However, the judges maintained that they had to balance between protecting the mother and preserving maternal health. Abortion remains a controversial issue in the United States despite the …show more content…

Instead, the court recognized that the right to abortion was guaranteed under personal privacy. Thus, any law regulating abortion in any state across the United States was supposed to be justified by stating any of the compelling state interests. Additionally, any legislative enactment set forth should be tailored in meeting the compelling interests of all parties. The judges also agreed that the right to abortion was unlimited; therefore, it was important for the court to determine a framework that would balance the right to abortion and those of the government (Stewart et al. 307). The latter sought to protect the rights of all mothers and at the same time protect the human life. If the abortion law was completely unregulated, then there would be cases where individuals would practice abortion without factoring the important role of government in conserving life (Saad). As a result, the trimester framework that took the above issues into consideration was conceived. The framework established when the fundamental rights of women to issues relating abortion became absolute. It also established when the state's interests were more compelling than the rights of the woman. In the first trimester, the Court left the decision to the woman and the physicians. However, after the first trimester or at the end of the first trimester when fetal viability had been established, the state had a right to protect the health of the mother as well as the unborn child (Saad). The state was also required to regulate all abortion procedures so that they became reasonable. The procedures were supposed to protect and preserve maternal health. At the third trimester, the state interest would become compelling since the viability of the fetus becomes compelling. In such cases, the state has the right to regulate abortion to protect human life. Also, the

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