Rock N Roll History

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History of Rock n Roll

Rock n Roll is without a doubt one of the most popular music genres in America. Rock originated in the 1950s. Rock took a huge popularity jump from the 60’s up to the early 90’s. Rock is a very decorated genre. If it wasn’t for Rockabilly, Rock n Roll would not have even existed.
One of the most popular, most influential genre’s of the 1950’s was Rockabilly. Many people became very popular from this genre, and many we still listen to today. Some house hold names being Johnny Cash, Elvis Presley, and Carl Perkins. One thing that made Rockabilly special, was how the music sounded. But, most importantly it was the time it came about, it emerged when there was mainly blues and boogie music. It’s distinct sound and overwhelming accomplishments made it one of the best selling genre’s of all time. …show more content…

This give it it’s unique sound, but also gave people new insight on how to use the instrument. Considering that the instrument was only used for rhythm playing, this turned peoples heads. The only rhythm playing gig was up however, when a man named Chuck Berry burst onto the music scene. Chuck had many hits thanks to his use of the guitar, and he is even credited for founding the genre Rock n Roll. Pioneers of Rock were even made famous thanks to the guitar, these artist consist of Jimi Hendrix, Chuck Berry, and Eric Clapton. As time went on, many songs were made famous by the guitar, songs like “Sweet child o’ Mine” “Voodo Child” and “Layla”. So, without the electric guitar, rock definitely would not sound the

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