Rock Climbing Experience

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To learn and experience something new and out of your norm can be a pretty scary thing, almost like being in a foreign country and not knowing your surroundings; what do you do? You panic! I can remember clearly an event during my childhood, it was one of the hardest thing I've ever had to do, and that was learning how to rock climb. All my friend’s parents would take them to a nearby gym after school. It was a gym for kids and rock climbing was the cool thing to do. I wanted to go so badly and feel cool, just like my friends, but I was always afraid of heights. Never liked heights as a child, and when I was growing up I was left with that fear. One day I decided to face my fears, and thought to myself that rock climbing was an important skill to have under my belt. Also I thought this was a step closer to overcome my fear and rock climbing was the perfect way to get over that fear. I also knew this would be a great experience and will help me become physically and mentally stronger. What I didn’t realize was that learning to rock climb would also boost my self-esteem and to make me believe in myself more. I always felt on edge when I was faced with a new situation. It made me feel uncomfortable and not quite myself, it still does sometimes. But I knew with my very first rock climbing lesson there weren’t any more excuses! I simply had to face my fear and just do it. There was no going back.
So one day after school my older brother took me to the gym. After I changed into my gym clothes in the locker room, I sat nervous on the patted mat by the rock climbing tower/boulder waiting for the instructor to walk in and other students to show up. After a few minutes the instructor walked in. She smiled really big, so big that I saw t...

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... my determination and self-assurance paid off. Not only did I learn how to climb and to overcome my fear of heights, but I also learned something about myself. I have more confidence than what I thought I did before. Sometimes when I go rock climbing I think back at this moment and just laugh to myself. The struggle, the frustration, and pain, but all worthwhile. I now know when I am faced with a new and uncomfortable situation I’m not so worried or nervous instead I challenge it. Everyone encounters a fear in their life, some walk away and some overcome it, am glad I did. I may feel out of my comfort zone in the beginning, but I know that as I practice and stay persistent being in that new situation and as my skills get better; I will slowly but surely feel more comfortable. It is a truly great, free feeling when you accomplish a goal you have set for yourself.

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