Universal Robotics

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1 Introduction
1.1. History of Robotics
In 1920 Karel Capek published his play R.U.R. (Rossum’s Universal Robots) which introduced the word “robot.” this word is derived from an old Slavic word that meant something like to “monotonous or forced labor.” However it took thirty years before the first industrial robot to make and implement to do work. In the 1950s George Devol designed the a robotic arm device that transported die castings in a General Motors plant in New Jersey which started its work in 1961. Unimation the company Devol founded with robotic entrepreneur Joseph Engel Berger was the first robot manufacturing company after the innovation and ideas of this company Robotics became an emerging science and more money was invested. Robots …show more content…

Corrosion, stresses and mechanical damage of oil and gas pipelines can result in catastrophic failures, so pipelines must be often inspected, and the application of an automatic inspection system (nondestructive inspection robot) is desirable, because manual inspection is difficult to perfectly and exactly perform due to the enormous amount of inspection needed. Many accidents have happened owing to the crack or leakage, resulting in severe damages. It is difficult to inspect the pipelines that are buried under the ground. The inspection of the pipes may be relevant for improving security and efficiency in industrial environments. There are so many hazardous situations and occasions in day to day life where the human can't work. These robots ensure the human safety and replace massive human work force. Robotics makes life easy in medical science especially in surgeries. Aircraft are made without pilot which is used for defense purposes. Artificial intelligence, super market, and manufacturing are those fields in which robotics change the whole …show more content…

Robotics research now a day is focused on developing systems that exhibit modularity, flexibility, redundancy, fault-tolerance, a general, reliable and extensible software environment and seamless, flawless connectivity to other machines. In this highly developing society time and man power are critical and limited also in the heavy industries the man power is not good enough for completion of task in large scales. The automation is playing important role to save human efforts in most of the regular and frequently carried works and also in saving time. One of the major and most commonly performed works is inspection of industrial equipment during running hour to maintain quality. In Present days industries are increasingly turning towards computer and android phone based automation mainly due to the need for increasing productivity and delivery of products with uniform quality to the customers. The inflexibility and generally high cost of hard-automation systems which have been used for automation in the past have led to a broad based interest to use robots capable of performing a variety of functions and tasks in a flexible environment and also robots can do this at lower cost. The use of Industrial Robots characterizes some of contemporary trends in automation of the manufacturing process. However in present days industrial robots also exhibit a monolithic mechanical structure and closed-system

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