Robinson Defooe's Beliefs In Robinson Crusoe

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Robinson Crusoe’s dwellings serve more than shelter, but a place of comfort, a home. As the novel progresses Crusoe’s shelters begin to transform based on his needs. He dedicates more time towards building the perfect kingdom than anything else. Over time, Crusoe manages to build himself a fortress that offers him protection, shelter, a place to work, and leisure. Crusoe’s dwellings reflect his progression of needs and priorities as he spends more time on the island. The first dwelling Crusoe built only served as a means of protection. Upon arrival to the island, he tells us that his “thoughts were now wholly employ’d about securing myself against either savages, if any should appear, or wild beasts”(47). Crusoe is scared of what or who could reside on the island and begins to build himself a shelter. This shelter is primarily built for its defensive capabilities rather than a place that he can call home. At this point in the novel, the only thing Crusoe is concerned with is staying alive. It’s clearly seen that security is the most important thing to Crusoe, thus the majority of his time is dedicated to rummaging around the island in search of useful …show more content…

He goes into detail about the wall and its construction often and frequently returns to the subject of the wall therefore, displaying its importance. The excessive amount of attention the wall receives shows that it has more purpose than keeping danger out. The wall helps keep Crusoe within his own domain, where he does not have to worry about a threat or influence of any kind, he is isolated. After the addition of the wall, Crusoe begins to call his habitation a fortification, showing us that this is more of a place of protection and not a home yet. After gaining some courage and exploring the island, Crusoe discovers that there is no real threat. He decides to build another dwelling more suitable towards his

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