Robert Oppenheimer: The Development Of The Atomic Bomb

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The Atomic Bomb was the most powerful bomb in the 20th century. In February 13, 1942 the Manhattan Project led by Robert Oppenheimer set out to try to build a, implosion-type nuclear bomb. In December 1938 a German chemist named Otto Hahn was experimenting in his lab. In the late1930s most scientists understood that everything in the universe is made up of little particles called atoms. (Even atoms are made up of little particles.) Hahn, already knew this so he began to experiment by placing a piece of metal called uranium by a radioactive element. He already knew that neutrons would speed out of the radioactive material and hit uranium …show more content…

Witch at that time was impossible. Word reached Albert Einstein that an atom was split and a lot of power. Einstein wrote to the President that the Germans have found out hot to split an atom and may use it for military purposes. The President demanded that America starts there, own research team to do the same thing. They need someone to lead it so they made a list. The first name on it Robert Oppenheimer. Robert Oppenheimer wanted the job. He already heard about the atom splitting and he wanted to do the same thing. In February 13, 1942 Oppenheimer was chose by the government to lead the Manhattan Project. The race was on America vs Germany to build the first atomic bomb. In November 16, 1942 Los Alamos Ranch, New Mexico was set up for the building of the atomic bomb. Scientists were called to work at Los Alamos from all over America. In months to come the first design for the bomb was a gun type fission bomb. In theory they could load two pieces of very pure uranium into a specially made artillery gun. Inside the gun barrel they would fire the uranium at each. When the two met they would form a mass. The mass would have just the right amount of material needed a chain reaction. The reaction would

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