Robert Burns Research Paper

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Robert Burns, a poet and lyricist in the Romantic Age, was born in Alloway, Scotland on 25 January, 1759. “The son of a hard-working and intelligent farmer, Burns was the oldest of seven children, all of whom had to help in the work on the farm” (The Columbia Encyclopedia). His first poem was written when he was fifteen; which was written for Jean Armour, whom he would later marry. “Burns fathered fourteen children with Jean Armour. They settled in Ellisland on a leased farm, forty-five miles from Mauchline, where Burns began his duties as a tax inspector, which was his profession until the end of his days” (Encyclopedia of World Biography).
Burns spent the conclusive twelve years of his life writing, and editing traditional folk songs for another collection of his, Select Collection of Original Scottish Airs. These volumes were some of the most essential works in preserving parts of Scotland's cultural heritage and include well-known songs as "A Red Red Rose" and "Auld Lang Syne", although they are frequently viewed as poems. Ten years later, Robert Burns died from heart disease at the age of thirty-seven. Consecutively on the day of his death, Jean Armour gave birth to his last son, Maxwell” (Academy of American Authors)
“Between 1784 and …show more content…

“On 31 July 1786 John Wilson published Robert Burns’ collection called the ‘Kilmarnock Edition’ along with ‘To a Mouse’ this included works such as,’Address to the Deil’, ‘Epistle to J Lapraik’, ‘The Holy Fair’, ‘To a Mountain Daisy’, ‘Hallowe'enon’, and ‘The Cotter's Saturday Night amongst others’” (The Burns Encyclopedia). His inspiration came after having plowed a field, and exposing a mouse’s nest during the winter season. Burns had compassion for living things besides himself, as shown in his works. Not only did he respect other creatures, he sympathized with them, understood their problems, and point of

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