Robert Browning Essay Writing

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Naji Rizig British Literature Mrs. Boagni 1 April 2014 Biography Robert Browning was born on May 7th, 1812 in Camberwell, London, England. He is the son of Robert and Sara Anna Wiedmen Browning. Despite growing up in a middle class family he is considered to be one of the major two poets of the Victorian era. He attended boarding school from the age of eight until he was sixteen. He then enrolled at the University of London in 1828. However he withdrew from the university after a few months because he believed he did not belong there. As a result most of his education came from tutors and the many books found in his father’s library. During this time he read many famous works such as Alexander Pope’s Iliad of Homer as well as many romantic poems. His favorite poet was Percy Bysste Shelley. The first poem Browning wrote is Pauline which was published in 1833. In 1846 he met his soon to be wife Elizabeth Barrett and they quickly fell in love. They went to Italy where they would later get eloped, had a son and lived there till the death of his wife in 1861. After her death, Browning and his son moved back to England and published “The Ring and the Book”. It was a series of dramatic monologues related to seventeenth century murder cases. It was the book that eventually established his reputation. He continued on to publish Dramatic Idyls in 1879 through 1880 and received world-wide fame. Browning is most widely known for creating the dramatic monologue. In 1881 the Browning Society was built. Robert Browning and Victorian Literature The Victorian era was a time of harmony, prosperity and national self-confidence for Britain. It was the era of Queen Victoria’s reign from 1837 up until her death in 1901. The novel became the most impo... ... middle of paper ... ...e Victorian era was the high point of the dramatic monologue. Most of Browning’s works have something in common. Browning believed in recitation with states of mind and he believed in extreme states of mind. Poems that had this reoccurring theme include “Porphyria’s Lover,” “Johannes Agri-cole in Meditation,” “Soliloquy of the Spanish Choister,” and “My Last Duchess”. Browning strongly believed in equality among the social classes as well as among genders; this is seen in his poems. Religion played a big part in the Victorian era as well as in Victorian poetry. Lord Alfred Tennyson’s Ulysses was published in 1842 and is said to be the first real dramatic monologue. Robert browning is credited for perfecting the dramatic monologue and made his first poem in the dramatic monologue poetic form thus combining both Romantic and Victorian themes together.

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