Rob Nixon's Use Of Slow Violence In The Fishing Industry

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Slow Violence in the Fishing Industry Within today’s society violent acts are often viewed as harsh, instantaneous events of cruelty. However, upon reading Rob Nixon’s “Introduction,” surrounding themes of slow violence, it became evident that violence does not simply take one fast paced form. Evidence and examples of slow violence were clearly seen within Lucien Castaing-Taylor and Verena Paravel’s documentary Leviathan. Nixon defines slow violence as, “violence that occurs gradually and out of sight, a violence of delayed destruction that is dispersed across time and space, an attritional violence that is typically not viewed as violence at all” (2). Leviathan follows the story of a fishing boat and its crew members, often emphasizing the perspectives of marine life. Throughout the boat’s journey, it becomes clear that the fishing industry is a key player that causes destruction and slow violence onto both marine ecosystems and human livelihoods. …show more content…

These images depict some of the harsh cruelties of the fishing industries. Nixon’s work can be directly applied to the fishing industry as he emphasizes that slow violence encompasses “inattention to calamities that are slow and long lasting” (6). Overfishing is an astronomical issues that is the result of slow violence. Due to rapid fishing rates marine ecosystems do not have time to repopulate and replenish. Over time this results in the destruction of habitats and resources. Unfortunately, as Nixon points out, the slow deterioration of marine environments is not broadcasted because these gradual events will not “boost ratings on TV” (6). As the fish populations dwindle to point of extinction, minimal action is being taken to counteract overfishing and as Nixon suggests it is because the steady disappearance of fish isn’t broadcasted or highlighted as a major event that needs to be dealt with

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