Roald Dahl's Use Of Hyperbole In The Landlady

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Furthermore, Roald Dahl uses literary devices in his unique imaginative and creative writing style is created by his use of figurative language and irony. For example, in short story “The Landlady”, it states, “Oh, it’s the perfect age” (pg. 68) and “You have the most beautiful teeth” (pg. 68). In other words, Dahl uses the figurative language of hyperbole here to describe how the Landlady feels about Bill and how she thinks he’s so perfect. From this, we can infer that Dahl’s use of hyperbole develops an uncomfortable feeling about the Landlady’s relationship with Billy, as she gives him compliments upon unusual aspects of himself which one wouldn’t expect a stranger to say about somebody. As an illustration, in the text on page 68, it reads,

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