Rights Of Man By Thomas Paine Essay

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Through the American independence supporter, Thomas Paine’s passage from Rights of Man, he expresses his thoughts about the problems in America, and how he believes it should be solved. In the excerpt, Paine’s description of America as an increasingly diverse country as well as the problem of keeping peace with all the cultures in one place is still prevalent in the U.S. today. Another idea from the passage that can describe modern America is the civil unrest today and Paine stating America is divided because many different cultures coexist there. Paine’s characterization of America only is correct today to an extent because his solution of one government benefiting everyone and stopping all internal conflicts is achievable in today’s America. …show more content…

He claims that because of the coexisting of the different nations, religions, and cultures in America, it, “would be least expected” for peace to inhabit the country, (Paine). This problem of different groups of people trying to get along can be seen almost anywhere on national news channels today. With riots and protests happening in modern america, it is clear that the problems Paine witnessed hold true today. Some specific examples of this include the president of America, Donald Trump, has publicly spoken against immigrants and has threatened to build a wall along the U.S./Mexican border, and to make Mexico pay for it. The fact that such an important person in the government would isolate an entire group of people proves that peace in America is unlikely. Another modern example is police brutality and the Black Lives Matter Movement. This has recently caused disastrous uproars in the U.S. , two sides fighting over their different ideas and morals. Unifying these two groups would seem impossible, just like Paine said about early America. With the U.S. being the melting pot, it is clear that both in the America Paine described and America today, the mixing of cultures have made the country of

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