Richard Hamilton, Andy Warhol's Marilyn Diptych, And The Dinner Party

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From the Venus de Milo to Manet’s Olympia, the female nude is a subject that fascinates many artists. The portrayal of the female body has always been just that, a depiction of a nude female; and it was not until the second wave of feminism in the 1970s that challenged the way females had always been portrayed as an object to look at instead of artists. From Commodities to Artists is an exhibition that displays the rising significance of female artists within the study of art history during the 1960s and the 1970s. The artists and pieces included in the exhibition are Richard Hamilton’s $he (1958), Andy Warhol’s Marilyn Diptych (1962), Suzanne Lacy’s Three Weeks in May (1977), and Judy Chicago’s The Dinner Party (1974). Each piece plays …show more content…

This is the first piece, not only because it is the earliest chronologically, but because it concentrates on the form of a women’s body placed in a domestic setting. Hamilton wrote “this relationship of woman and appliance is a fundamental theme of our culture.” He plays on the Western culture of social gender constructs and a woman’s role in the domestic realm in his work. He reduces the female figure to her basic components: her breasts, eyes, and hips. He exposes the societal construct that women are supposed to be fetishized by emphasizing her sexual and seductive body parts. He juxtaposes this ambiguous female with kitchen appliances set in the domestic realm. This suggests that women are supposed to stay in the domestic setting, and also basically be there as a sexual object for whoever owns the house. Even the title incorporates the dollar sign into the word ‘she,’ suggesting that the female portrayed is for sale. Linda Nochlin comments on older paintings where the subject is a female nude and describes the nude model as “naked-as-an-object,” referring to the fact that once the model is standing naked in front of male artists, she is no longer a women, but instead an object for them to fetishize and paint. Regardless if Hamilton used a female nude model as inspiration, or painted $he (1958) from the constructs of his mind, he is degrading the female body to another appliance found in the

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