Rice Care Observation

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I chose to volunteer at Rice Care Center and Therapy Suites in Willmar, Minnesota. I chose to volunteer here because, I work in Therapy Suites and primarily interact with short-term patients. Since patients are there for rehabilitation, I do not get a lot of time to build relationship as they are busy with physical and occupational therapy and often have company throughout the day. During my time volunteering, I decided to go to the long-term units, Cushman Cottage and Sophia House, and spend time with the residents there. Another reason I decided to volunteer here is because not every resident gets company or a phone call for days, maybe even weeks at a time. I strongly believe everyone, regardless of age and status, craves interaction with another human being. Rice Care Center and Therapy Suites has been at their location in Willmar, Minnesota for fifty years. Their nonprofit status differentiates Rice Care from other providers of long-term care services in the region. Recently, Rice Care finished a six-million-dollar expansion and remodeling project. The facility was designed based on a "household model" which features separate "neighborhoods" with private entrances, smaller gathering spaces within those neighborhoods, and …show more content…

Ageism is stereotyping and discriminating against individuals or groups on the basis of their age. Due to their age, elders are often discriminated solely on that reason alone. Ableism is a perceived form of discrimination or social prejudice against people with disabilities. Again, ageism and ableism with elders go hand and hand since with their age their abilities might decline and they need help with activities of daily living. Although, elders might need help with certain activities, that does not mean they can be discredited for their previous accomplishments, or the things they are still able to achieve

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