Rhetorical Analysis Of The Speech Of Cal Ripken Jr.

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The speech I chose was Cal Ripken Jr.’s it was given at the Orioles home ball park, Camden Yards at his last home game before retiring. It is a special occasion speech and was given in front of over 48,000 fans. He used a tried and true opening sentence that although a little altered had a very familiar ring. He opened with “As a kid, I had this dream” a very loose but familiar take on MLK’s “I have a dream”. This was a great attention getter and probably had people on their feet immediately. This audience was already motivate to hear his speech so that was not an issue. Most of the fans were there for the purpose of hearing his retirement speech. He did not preview his points in the introduction he addressed those in the body of his speech one at a time. He did not try to establish credibility as he was speaking about himself so who knows more about him than himself. …show more content…

He listed them one by one starting with his parents, then moving to the organization, then wife and children, team mates and last fans. Telling what each of them had given him over his career and thanking them for their support. He did not speak long on each one literally just one sentence on each. This was a little concerning as he should have been more thankful to those who gave him such a great and long career. It was almost like his speech only had an introduction and then a conclusion as the body was so

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