Rhetorical Analysis Kindred

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Kindred Rhetorical Analysis Looking into America’s great past, we can see the great transformation that has occurred in our day to day lives. At one point blacks across the world were imported into America in order to be sold into slavery. Arguably, today throughout society minorities throughout America live a fairer and more equal life than that of the past in the early 19th century. In Octavia Butler’s intriguing novel Kindred, Butler swirls the distinct genres of time-travel based science fiction and historical slave narrative together in order to show her audience the progress that society has achieved by contrasting the struggles that slaves in America had to deal with and their children’s modern standard of living. Looking at the different …show more content…

For example, consider the act of transportation where people back in the early 19th century had to travel by horses and buggies. People in the modern day are able to drive around in their cars or take public transportation. In the past people had to be trained to drive a tediously slow horse and buggy and be able to manipulate through a non-existent infrastructure. Kevin “tried driving his first time after five years of horses and buggies,” and said that “the traffic confused him and made him more nervous than he could see any reason for. He said he’d almost killed a couple of people” (244). Butler contrasts transportation in her multiple genres of sci-fi and historical between the two time periods through the use of multiple genres because it is a key aspect of life in both times periods. Being able to travel somewhere in the 19th century allowed for more economic opportunities, and travel in modern day time is basically necessary for survival. Dana wouldn’t have even been able to drive a dune buggy back in the day because she was a female slave. But in modern day time she was afraid to drive because Rufus might call her back while she was driving. Considering the differences in transportation form the past and the present really shows the progress that we have

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